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Table 1 Sequences of oligonucleotides used in the assay

From: Utilizing Gold Nanoparticle Probes to Visually Detect DNA Methylation


cgc cac cac cct cca acc t


tgc cac cac cct cca acc t


SH-(CH2)3-aaa aaa aaa aaa tta ttt agg ttg gag ggt ggt ggc g


SH-(CH2)3-aaa aaa tta ttt agg ttg gag ggt ggt ggc g


SH-(CH2)3-tta ttt agg ttg gag ggt ggt ggc g

MPs p16

gtt ttt tag aat gtt ggg att ata ga

MPa p16

ctc aaa aaa cta aaa caa aaa aat c


ttg tta ttt agg ttg gag ggt ggt

PC p16

tta ttt agg ttg gag ggt ggt ggc gcg att tcg gtt tat tgt aat ttt tgt ttt tcg gg

NC p16

tta ttt agg ttg gag ggt ggt ggt gtg att tcg gtt tat tgt aat ttt tgt ttt tcg gg

Probe E-cad

SH-(CH2)3-aaa aaa tta ggt tag agg gtt atc g

MPs E-cad

ttt agt aat ttt agg tta gag ggt tat

MPa E-cad

aaa ctc aca aat act tta caa ttc c

PC E-cad

taa ttt tag gtt aga ggg tta tcg cgt tta tgc gag gtc ggg tgg gcg ggt cgt tag

NC E-cad

taa ttt tag gtt aga ggg tta ttg tgt tta tgc gag gtc ggg tgg gcg ggt cgt tag

Probe p15

SH-(CH2)3-aaa aaa gat tat tcg ggt cgt tgc g

MPs p15

agg aga ata agg gta tgt tta gtg g

MPa p15

ccc taa aac ccc aac tac cta aat

PC p15

acg gtg gat tat tcg ggt cgt tgc gcg ttt ggg ggt tgc gga atg cgc

NC p15

acg gtg gat tat tcg ggt cgt tgt gtg ttt ggg ggt tgc gga atg cgc

  1. Note: Met-p16 and Dem-p16 correspond to a partial methylated and demethylated DNA sequence of p16, respectively. A partial E-cadherin, p15, and p16 sequences were amplified with MPs E-cad and MPa E-cad, MPs p15 and MPa p15, MPs p16 and MPa p16 primers, respectively, that were identified from Methprimer. NPs and P16MPa primers were used to perform nested PCR. PC and NC sequences were all dsDNA. The special cutting site for BstUI could be found in the PC group but not in the NC group. Thus, PC E-cad, NC E-cad, PC p15, NC p15, PC p16, and NC p16 sequences were used as positive and negative controls during the DNA methylation detection of E-cadherin, p15 and p16, respectively
