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Fig. 2 | Nanoscale Research Letters

Fig. 2

From: Theoretical and Experimental Study of Phonon Spectra of Bulk and Nano-Sized MoS2 Layer Crystals

Fig. 2

Shift of calculated fundamental bands for bulk MoS 2. Parameters obtained at FR: \( {\omega}_{A_{1 g, calc}} \) = 412 cm−1 and \( {\omega}_{E_{2 g, calc}} \) = 388 cm−1, to experimental meanings, \( {\omega}_{A_{1 g, \exp }} \) = 408 cm−1 (curve 2) and \( {\omega}_{E_{2 g, \exp }} \) = 382 cm−1 (curve 4) due to FR; Γ + = Γf(T), \( f\left( T=300 K\right)=\left[1+ n\left({E}_{2 g}^2\right)+ n\left({E}_{2 g}^1\right)\right]=3.8 \); two studied FR correspond to different anharmonic constants: Γ(A 1g , CT) = 2.4 cm−1, \( \varGamma \left({E}_{2 g}^1, CT\right)=4.5 \) cm−1; (CT in Fig. 2 is described by enough broad band due to the dispersion of phonons [18, 19] and the centre of gravity CT is shown by arrow at ω = 423 cm−1; because only shift of bands due to FR is important for both fundamental bands, the same initial intensity is taken)

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