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Fig. 22 | Nanoscale Research Letters

Fig. 22

From: Recent Advances on Neuromorphic Systems Using Phase-Change Materials

Fig. 22

Evolution of normalized resistance of synaptic devices is shown, for the 60% initial variation case. All normalized resistances are one initially since the normalized resistance map shows the current resistance of a synaptic device divided by its initial resistance. Note that the row and column numbers corresponds to BL and WL that connect the synaptic devices. For instance, the data shown in row #3 and column #6 is the normalized resistance of the memory cell that can be accessed by BL #6 and WL #3. First, pattern 1 is presented to the network. For pattern 1, ON neurons for the complete pattern during update phase are N1, N2, N3, N4, and N6, and for the recall phase, N6 is OFF and expected to be recalled (i.e. expected to fire) after training with a certain number of epochs. The gradual decrease in the normalized resistance of synaptic connections between firing neurons during the update phase can be observed. After 11 epochs, when recall phase is performed, OFF pixel #6 (neuron #6) is recalled (meaning neuron #6 fires in recall phase), and then pattern 2 is presented for training. For pattern 2, the complete pattern is represented by N5, N7, N8, N9, and N10, and N5 is missing in the recall phase. Reprinted with permission from [105]

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