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Fig. 10 | Nanoscale Research Letters

Fig. 10

From: Influence of Device Geometry and Imperfections on the Interpretation of Transverse Magnetic Focusing Experiments

Fig. 10

Calculated potential field in 2DEG from 40 mV potential applied at surface gates labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4 (marked by orange solid lines). The green dotted box denotes the area simulated in calculations. The yellow dashed lines indicate where 300 nm wide semi-infinite leads were attached. The overlaid spin-projected density plot shows the probability density of an electron with a Fermi energy of 7 meV injected at \(\hbox {L}_{{1}}\) and collected at \(\hbox {L}_{{2}}\) under an out-of-plane magnetic field of 0.0957 T. The density plot has the same colour scheme as in Fig. 2

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